They can be funny, informative, or a composed skit. As users get more involved in the app, they might find that they have a few favorite users, whether that be an established influencer or a friend that they know. Because the TikTok feed is so relatable, finding yourself wanting to share that experience with your friends is irresistible. The share button allows you to share the video to either people you follow on TikTok (you can only send videos to people your friends with on TikTok, if they don’t follow you back then you can’t share anything with them on TikTok), or people that you follow on Snapchat, Instagram, Whatsapp etc. From here, they’re able to watch the video that you shared with them. Note: Sometimes users don’t enable the share feature for certain apps so if you find that you’ve gone to share a video with someone on Snapchat for example, and Snapchat is not an option, it’s because they’re disabled it. Once you’ve shared someone’s TikTok, you might start to worry that they’ve somehow been notified that you shared their TikTok. This fear might be there because Tiktok did not let users know when someone viewed their profile at one point, so to think that they’ll notify users when you share their videos isn’t completely irrational.

Does TikTok Tell You Who Shared Your Video

If you send someone’s TikTok video to your friends on TikTok or to another social media app, they won’t be able to know that their video was sent. TikTok doesn’t allow people to find out if who shared their video but they do allow people to know how many people shared their video. If you’re worried that the person will receive some type of notification, they won’t You can share someone’s video and they won’t be notified at any point. The same goes for someone else sharing your video. The social media platform has several privacy features and letting users know who shared their story isn’t a privacy feature that they’re willing to violate anytime soon. Although some users would love to know when someone shared their story, this can be extremely embarrassing for the person who shared it and also a violation of their privacy. If you’re someone that uploads videos on TikTok if you don’t want others sharing it, make sure to turn the option off that allows other users to share your posts. Anyone on TikTok can share shareable videos and the user will not be notified of it. It isn’t difficult to find a video that you relate to on TikTok, tap the share button, and then select the person of that app that you want to share it with. There are plenty of ways to share a video on TikTok and if you want to know how then read on.

Can You See Who Shares Your TikToks

While you can see how many people have shared your post, you cannot see specifically who shared your TikTok posts. You will not be notified or shown who shared or sent your content to someone else.  However, the more shares on your video the better; at the end of the day, it’s free advertising, and every share is almost always an extra guaranteed view. If you wouldn’t like what you’re posting to be shared by others, you can make your account private in your account settings.

Can You Use Third-Party Apps To Find Out?

No, there are no third-party apps that’ll help you find out who shared your video; it’s impossible to see exactly who shares your TikTok’s unless you see them do it. So, if you ever see a third-party app claiming you’ll be able to see the usernames of everyone who shared your TikTok’s, do not download it. Chances are the app will be some sort of malware, or at the very least bloatware, as it’s never worth downloading an app that promises features that don’t exist.

Can You Prevent Sharing?

While there’s nothing you can do to stop people from screenshotting or recording your TikTok videos to send to others, you can stop people from sharing your videos directly on the TikTok app. To do this, simply make your TikTok account private. When you do this, those who receive a shared post of yours will have to follow you to see the post. This way, if you don’t want someone specific or random people seeing your video, you can deny the follow request. To make your TikTok account private; Step 1. Open TikTok and tap Profile in the bottom right corner. Step 2. Tap the 3-line icon in the top right Step 3. Tap ‘Settings and Privacy’. Step 4. Now go to ‘Privacy’. Step 5. Locate ‘Private Account’, it should be located towards the top. To private your account, set this option to on. While this will prevent sharing within the app, there’s no way to stop users / your followers from screenshotting or screen recording your TikTok’s. You can, however, disable video downloads for your video. This means users won’t be able to download your TikTok straight from the app, and if they want to share the video, they’ll have to use a third-party app or screen record the video themselves. They also won’t be able to share the video to other social media platforms from TikTok. Here’s how to turn off video downloads for your TikTok videos: Step 1. On the TikTok app, tap ‘Profile’ located in the bottom right corner of your screen. Step 2. Tap the icon with the 3 stacked lines to go to your profile settings. This button should be located in the top right of your profile. Step 3. Tap ‘Settings and Privacy’. Step 4. Tap ‘Privacy’, then locate and tap ‘Downloads’. Step 5. In the downloads settings, tap next to ‘Video downloads’ either on or off. When the setting is turned off, users won’t be able to download any of your TikTok’s, and they’ll have to screen record or use a third-party service instead. You can’t turn off video downloads for specific videos, though, so when this setting is turned off, the save video feature is automatically turned off for all of your TikTok videos.

Can Someone See If You Share Their TikTok

No, just like how you can’t see when people share your videos, others can’t see when you share theirs; it’ll only be shown as a number on their video. They will get no notification or indication that you specifically shared or sent their TikTok to someone else, and there are no third-party apps that provide you with this information. All they’ll be able to see is the number of shares their video got.

How to share Videos on TikTok

The share feature is a great feature for sharing your favorite TikTok videos on any platform with the press of a button. With this feature, as long as the profile is public, you won’t have to go through the hassle of screen recording, rewatching and then cropping the video; when you share the video, they’ll be able to watch the video from their TikTok app instantly! To share a TikTok video; Step 1. Go to the video you want to share. Step 2. On the side where you’d like and comment on the video, press the Share button. Step 3. Choose how you’d like to share the video; you’ll be able to choose between a wide variety of apps, or you could just send it to a fellow tiktokkers DM’s. Sharing on TikTok is as easy as that, and as long as the creators’ profile is public, you’ll be able to share the video with anyone!